Tuesday 3 March 2015


I've really been getting into the stars I've been drawing, I think they capture the slightly magically more than regular life that I want for my book. I also drew a proper version of one of my pages to start testing the digital side. I chose to have her floating amongst the stars after talking to Eleanor about other books and what ones we remember as being more.


These are my initial map designs, I thought it'd be good to have the book start with a map like I loved as a kid and it'd be a good way to tie all the aspects of the walk together. However so far perspective is not my friend and I'll need to do more research before I try again.


These are some tree and bark designs. They are mainly based on the trees I created for a previous book but these won't be quite as colourful as those.

Story board

This is the cleaned up expanded version of my storyboard. in this one I have introduced the creature character but I seem to have forgotten about him for the most part, I'll need to amend that for the book.

Initial storyboard

This is the initial storyboard I made based on the plot I wrote. 

Merch Ideas

Some notes on possible merchandise I could propose. 


THis is a rough outline for the plot of the book I'm going to do.

Colour development

I made this one with the three of her to test out the different colourings I had planned. at the bottom you can see where I put my colour palette. 

after I chose the third ,I thought the earthy colours suited her best, I redrew her to be more accurate. I really love this drawing it shows exactly what I want the book to be. I changed her shoes to walking boots as I thought it suited the story better than the wellies. This is the colour scheme  I'm going to keep for the book and so far I have received lots of positive feeback on the colours.

I did a colour test of all three. I had M&S clothes in mind for the mother and brown/oranges for the woodland creature.

Character Development

I'm really happy with these and that I'm getting back into character design with a purpose. The creature character was the most difficult to design as I wanted it to be made up but still look like a creature you could happen across in the wood. I looked into a few different woodland animals and put the bits I liked in and tweaked it to make my own. However because of this everyone just sees a fox. The mum was really easy as it was just a grown up version of the girl but more feminine and with a middle aged mindset.

Story ideas

These are the story ideas I came up with but I also considered doing an old fairytale to not have to write anything. However it was clear that I was a lot more excited to do storm kissed and I decided that as I find it hard to motivate myself it would be best to do the one I was excited about.