Wednesday 30 September 2015

Fish plan

Nearly everyday in the summer I walked by the canal and got a really serene contented feeling. I found it really calming and by looking a little longer in the water I managed to see quite a lot of wildlife, this made me really happy and these are the plans for a multi layer drawing of what I saw, I'd really like to get back to this and hopefully make a big print of it.

Tuesday 29 September 2015

Finished drawings

These are two finished drawings that I did about the end of of july. The first is about how I've got really into a hip hop musician called Milo, to me he really sums up that feeling of melancholy perfectly and in this drawing I was just trying to capture the feeling I get when listening to him. Its also a first that I've done two toned hair which I think has come out well, I also used darker colours than usual to continue along the theme I'd started. In the second drawing I've created more of a character which was really fun as I've not been making as many recently, this would be something I'd quite like to get back into. It was really interesting to use the colour that is her skin tone without using lines to shape out where it goes, I think I'll use this more often in the future for similar things that shouldn't have too much definition. I had to make another pattern for this and I think it's my best so far, it seems I'm improving each time I make one.

sketch dump

These are all the sketches that I started doing at the start of the summer there are some nice progression ones and some ideas for later in there but also some brain fart ones.