Tuesday 21 October 2014

Character experimentation

I continued this process and experimented with disc world characters. I also tried one without lines and I hate it, because I think it loses focus and detail. The last Susan is my favourite as I drew it with different pens to add a different line quality. I really don't like the Death but that may just need practice.

Drawing for fun or Doodles worked into

I took these doodles from my note book and decided to put them into photoshop. I really like this as both a style I drew in and as how I coloured it. The drawn parts I like because they have set forms that make the whole thing quicker and a bit weirder. The photoshop I like because its the first time it hasn't looked flat and the colours all work well together.

Monday 13 October 2014

What I'm reading

I've just finished re-reading Thief of Time as i've been drawing Susan a lot I thought I should read one that is Susan heavy and now I'm half way through Reaper Man as I've also been Drawing a lot of Death. 

Post 12 feedback and evaluation

12 collage & line

For the intangible I got heavily confused and generally a bit stressed about the whole thing. Surprisingly it turned out to be that I'd been overcomplicating the whole thing and I just needed to sit some where neutral (that also makes good coffee) and write/draw it out. Once I'd settled on showing Death as doing his work rather than Death as his whole complex self (aside from the cat one, that is all Death) I found it a lot easier to come up with ideas and how the colours and composition could show what I wanted. I then made some new textures to go with what I wanted to do. For the black/gray it was using ink to make patterns/mark and then the majority are what ink looks like bled through paper. for the colour I just found my old brusho experiment paper and thought it was appropriate for Terr Pratchett's Death.

Peer review

The peer review about what work we'd done so far. The general consensus was that so far we'd being doing a to of good playing about and that texture adds a lot to a drawing, and that it should be considered further.

Line and collage

This was really fun to do and a great reminder of how much I like collage but it also reminded me how annoyingly fiddly it can be. I think the best of these is when theres block bold colour combined with lots of line detail in little areas as it provides a good contrast and the worst being where the shape isn't strong enough to properly convey that it's a skull.


A quick bit of collage of Eleanor, I think my favourite is the scythe at the bottom as using completely wrong colours made the others seem cartoony and childish and the addition of the textured paper on the blade makes it look a little more ominous.

Line task 3

This is just showing distance with thin, regular and bold lines. Though I am a bit annoyed that I wasn't able to work out good enough compositions so the items didn't look like they were floating.

Line task 2

This is the one where Fred wanted us to show light, regular and bold with four distinct lines. This was a lot harder than I expected and you can tell as none of these scythes look like scythes.

Line task 1

This is the task that Fred set us, it was to apply the lines from the directory to our motifs. The first thing I've leaded is that I'm not good a judging how much space I have on a page when I'm quickly drawing in pen(particularly if its a pen with a big nib).  I also saw about how some lines really didn't work as the image became too confused but then those same lines could work well for shading or little areas. The combination of wildly different lines was also pretty fun to play with as I wouldn't normally put any of this stuff together. 

Line directory

This is the line directory that Fred asked us to do, however I think I got the task wrong as I thought it was a bout how the different lines are effected differently by each pen.

Themes and Motifs

As I'd started drawing Death earlier and he is such a recurring and prominent character in the series I used him as my theme so I chose an hourglass, a scythe and a skull as my motiffs.

Visual ideas/Ink drawing/Play

I wasn't really sure of what I was doing in this but as it's the characters I love from Discworld I did some of those. so there's a bit of Death not being a sterotypical Death, Otto with his camera, a mug of hot chocolate from his black ribbon meetings, Detritus with his helmet fan and finally Susan as she's a brilliant character with a distinctive look.  

Mind map

This is the mind map I made with what I think of when when I think of Terry Pratchett on it.