Friday 12 December 2014

Moving parts

This is a plan of what parts I'll need to be able to move if I make my animations stop motion.


It took quite a while of drawing out the basic shape described in the book before I felt like I had adequately captured a swamp dragon to use in my animations.

quick storyboard

These are some very simple four frame storyboards to show what I intend to do.

Initial ideas

I managed to simplify what I want to do for my animation as well as find a way for them to have a common theme. In my three animations I plan to use each member of the vimes family interacting with a swamp dragon. this means that I should just be able to animate the smoke and some small body movements. I believe this will be much more manageable.

Hot dog research

As I'd finished the characters I moved onto how to actually make a hotdog book as I'd only heard about how to do it off people. I had never made one before, which is why I have been so keen on making one. I have wanted more experience in making simple books as that is the area I would like to move into. 

However as I'd heard so much about how they were simple I shoved the thought of making the book to the end of finishing my characters. This led to the crushing realisation that I had let myself think solely of the characters without checking to see how many pages you get with a hotdog books. Since realising this I have had to revise my character list based on who I think will work best in the book and how well I think I've drawn them.

finals ready

These are the finals ready for print. I think that I've managed to get the personalities right, at least my interpretations of them. I found it both difficult and intuitive. However I don't believe I've done enough work into the frames or into the possibility of half tone.

frames revised

Unfortunately in my haste to finish the drawing part of brief 3 a few of the frames I drew were unusable and I had to draw new ones with more care.


These are the frames I drew for the characters. I drew them on tracing paper to try and get the right shape to go around the characters.

final 10 next step

This is them again but cleaned up and just the lines.

Final 10 Characters

These are the final line drawings for the characters I think I managed to show who they are through expressions and positions. Now I need to edit them to look cleaner and be ready to print.

frame research

As I realised that I hadn't put enough research into the frames that were going into my illustrations so I spent a day in my favorite coffee shop and drew all the frames they had on the wall opposite. unfortunately I think the ones that I like won't print clearly at A5 but they would be good for any A2 or A3 prints I could do.

If I have time

These are the plans I made for three or four large prints in a family portrait format. The idea is to for them to be much more detailed and a three layer colour print. As they'd be A2 I'd be able to do better line detail without fearing that the quality would be lost in print. However from where I stand now with my work load I highly doubt I will be able to do anything with these.

10 Characters

These are the 10 characters I have chosen to illustrate, I chose them mainly based off my own opinions of the characters and the books as I'm making a book more like a fan zine. From this I'd rather choose characters I know and love, with this in mind I hope to convey the personalities of the characters as well as give them a more defined appearance.

Action Plan 17/11/2014

This is an example of one of the action plans I have made, but mostly I have been making weekly plans with exactly what I need to do each day,

Project Proposal Moving Pictures

Project Proposal Printed Pictures