Tuesday 12 May 2015

Wrap around cover

At first I tried using the map as the front cover Like I had imagined. I though it'd look really good at an angle with it folding over onto the back cover as well but in practicality it was just awkward and wrong. I also tried it as the full cover but as I wanted the girl and tiff on the cover it also didn't work. It did work better without the map background but it was still too busy so I went away and looked at some book covers. I saw one with a circle in the centre and it inspired me to make my chosen cover. I tried using flying eye books as the proposed publisher, I got their logo and looked at some of their books (all of them had the name at the bottom of the front cover and the logo on the back). I don't think it works as well though so I also tried walker books which I think fit in perfectly. I tried a few different colours for the cover but I ended up with the one I liked first as I think it compliments the characters best.

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