Monday 19 October 2015


last weeks word was ink so after doing some doodling of what I can do, I settled on this idea. From there I drew her in dip pen and ink, as it seemed fitting. I also made some coloured ink pages to work with. I then put them together on photoshop which required some moving about and perspective changes. I also had to learn how to do the proper fade, which Hollie taught me how to use and has come in useful since. I posted this to my professional social media accounts as well and it got more attention than any other of my illustrations. I think this is because of the clear concept and the contrast between such bright ink and the lack of colour elsewhere. Personally I think it could still use work, the start of the fade is still visible if you know where to look and I'm not a big fan of the paper texture where the ink isn't on it but I still don't know how I could remove it without ruining the ink.

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