Monday 4 November 2013

Line & Mark

 I have chosen to use deep sea diving as my theme for the next couple of tasks and from that point I did a spider diagram to see what I'd like to do with it.

As this task was about line and mark I chose to just do the same drawing over and over again. I chose an angler fish as I like to make the creepier fish seem cute. After I settled on the design I played around with the position. The task was about using ten different drawing tools so I focused on trying draw without doing it first in pencil. This meant that I could draw lots out quickly and really play with the curvature. It also evolved much faster when I hadn't been spending too long drawing it out.  

After drawing so many angler fish and talking to Matt, I started to design a fish. I mainly looked at taking the protruding lower jaw from the angler fish and the fins from the viper fish. I also chose to put massive eyes and a thin, long body. I then tried wet media to experiment with my new fish.

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