Monday 4 November 2013

Initial brief

For studio brief one we had to conduct an interview with our partner and then do an A2 portrait drawing that captures their personality. It also had to contain the initials of our partner, mine was Sophie Wright.

We were then told to choose ten words that best described our partner and draw thumbnails to describe those words. After we got  used to the process we had to do two sheets of 8 by 8 thumbnails in order to get the most ideas out. we had to completely separate the concepts and do one sheet of the first initial and the other with the second.  

We then had to choose five of our favourites, to discuss in our group crit and to decide which direction to take the illustration in.


The result of the crit was to combine the ideas together so I did some drawings. I chose to do the wonder woman cat as it combined fancy dress with cats. It also meant that it could have the initials on the supercat and wonder cat. I then played around with how I could have the pens introduced and settled on the more playful version of holding the pen between her lips and her nose. After settling on the idea I experimented with different media. I played a lot with bleeding the pen but I decided that the purple colour didn't fit in the brief and it was too unpredictable.  

In the end I decided to use ink but it didn't work as well as I'd hoped and the illustration didn't translate into A2 very well and I ran out of time before I could do all the inking that I wanted.

For the final deadline I did the inking I was always intending to do. However while it looks better more filled in it still looks too rough and it didn't change the problem of how it translated into A2.

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