Sunday 23 February 2014


I drew several thumbs of what I wanted to draw for my stickers, I also did some colour tests as we'd already decided that having just the two colours would make our stickers really stand out.

At one point we were going to do some of the stickers under the point of it's too hot for this but shortly after I did these drawings we discussed and discarded it under it being less relevant to the current season  and because we only really liked the summer hat. By itself the summer hat really stood out as being separate and as we were each doing separate drawings already we decided that we needed to keep as much the same as possible to enforce that they are all part of the one group.

I originally went with a sunflower yellow for my colour as it really stands out and being eye catching is a major point for this project. However with the skirt one it rather gave off the impression that she'd wet herself.

I had to draw some more arses as I wasn't really happy with any of them up until the blue one below. I think with the one below it helped that I lowered the angle a little and only had a slight side view.

As much as I love the yellow and the impact it has I think that the blue works better for the project. It immediately gives off the feeling of being cold as well as the fact that it draws forther attention to how much skin there is exposed.   

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