Sunday 23 February 2014

That's pants!

My group and I decided to do my idea of inappropriate clothing for the weather. After deciding on it, writing a few examples and explaining why we think its pants, we realised that this subject matter could be easily misconstrued  as judging people by how little they wear or slut shaming. This worried us as we just wanted to show how silly it is to be wearing very little in the middle of a English winter. We started our project with this in mind and tried to make sure we'd get the right message across. 

After talking about some initial ideas (pointing out how silly it is by having a girl wear a snorkel in the middle of town etc.) we wrote out a sheet of potential ideas and the ways we could do them. We chose to focus on stickers as the method of portraying our idea, especially as stickers meant that we could do some drawing as well as photography. The stickers would also be the simplest, clearest method of getting our idea out while having them in the most places.

With all of these ideas we decided to look into the more hipster side of fashion and design as they are a stereotypical group that will go for fashion over function. We wanted to gear our work towards looking hipster to point fun of as well as to attract their attention about it.

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