Friday 20 November 2015


This week's word was animal and I wasn't sure what I wanted to do for it. As I did know that I've been wanting to play with repeating pattern, coloured lines and texture, I decided that I'd use this as an oppurtunity to do that. I drew out some autumn things as I wanted to do a woodland animal theme. I did all the things I normally do to reach a resolved image and then separated the different aspects and played with the line colour. and applying texture. I spent a pretty long time trying to get texture to work on each individual aspect before deciding that that was taking up too much of my time for an illustration friday. I looked up how to apply textures and I found out about the overlay option instead of just multiplying and playing with the opacity. This works a hell of a lot better but can make things a lot lighter and darker in dodgy areas. Though I think this was mainly from the choice of the texture I chose, I shouldn't have such drastically different colours on the same texture. If I want this to work in the future I'll have to make some new textures that don't have such divide. However that being said I think this has come out really well and it's something I should explore further. The coloured lines soften the image considerably and When I published it to my professional social media, it got a lot more attention then my usual work.

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