Saturday 21 November 2015

Post crit, post Fred chat notes

This is about the issues raised in the crit and the talk I had with Fred about how I could try to solve them. 

  • If I'm drawing people from observation I should try and draw them realistically first and look at the posture with simple lines before I move on to my method of drawing - this will be hard for as What Fred called stylised drawing is just the way of drawing that makes sense to me as I find the more realistic way of drawing makes very little sense to me but it's something I should try to do more of.
  • Applying my work to other forms - I've been thinking too much that my illustration Friday work is just about making the quick turn around and responding to a word, without trying to then use it for something else. Not every one of them will be applicable to other resolutions but my squirrel pattern is and I should mock up some cushions, notebooks and wrapping paper with it on (a friend over Facebook actually requested it as a wrapping paper).
  • My characters should translate even when you don't know them - my character portraits are accurate and mainly follow how they stand but if you can't understand them if you don't know them, they're not successful.
  • I need to be working on a brief that combines the separate skill building briefs at the same time as the skill building ones otherwise it might not translate - this will be hard as it messes up my time plan as I had spread the briefs out to try and keep myself from being stressed. However I talked to Fred about the sculptors daughter brief I had been thinking about dropping and he suggested having the backgrounds I work on separately come from the book and and to simplify my brief to have a colour cover and 5 internal black and white illustrations.

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