Thursday 1 May 2014


After drawing Gil scott heron and deciding to return to how I'd drawn the mouth and the nubs I drew out a plan for the finals. I chose to do four lines from the poem with a simple one for the stamp and an expended one for the postcard.

 I decided that I'd do each line in a different colour, as I wanted to do more colour while keeping it simple. I played around with doing fill colour for the postcards but I think that if I do that it'd have to be done digitally to create a smoother look. I really like the look of having a border around them as it makes the simple drawings look a little more finished. I also played with having the tv as the border as the poem talks about adverts and what will not be televised but the tv I drew didn't look anywhere near as good as the border. 

For a while I was intending on doing them as a screen print so I drew out the stamps to scale down and print but I decided that I didn't have the time to go through the whole process. On the positive side however it got my stamps to evolve and get to place where I am nearly happy with.

In these I made some changes as I talked to Orlaith about the nubs (the head one) and she belived it looked more like a mountain than a head. It's actually more based on an easter island head so its a fair point and its mixed with the rocker I drew for vis lang but as it's going on a stamp it has to be clear so I changed it to a side view which allowed me to keep the square look I liked. I also changed the hairy women as I think its compositionally stronger with another woman just out of shot. it also heightens the point of it being about their hairy arms.

 I had an epiphany about how to do the poster. As all I knew was that I wanted to have his face on it I knew it needed something more so I though of doing the technical difficulties screen with the playing children replaced with Gil and the words replaced with the revolution will not be televised, as the revolution would not be televised.  When I was going to screen print I had to change this idea to being static instead of the colours as that many colours on a screen print would have been difficult and time consuming. I kept the static even after deciding not to screen print as I liked the way they were all one colour. I also thought that as it's the stand by screen I should border the poster with a tv, particularly as there would be the room for one. So I looked up some tv's, I looked at ones from the '70's as that's when the poem was and because I find '70's tv's much more recognisable and visually appealing. After drawing out a few I talked to matt about the favourites and I tested drawing the stamps and the postcards within soe of the tv's as I really liked all of them. I also thought they would add to the quality of the work. As I had a decent selection of different tv's I was able to choose a variety of complex to simple ones to suit the size of each piece. 

These are the final ones I did for the stamps I chose this tv to be the border as it was simple enough to work small and its format would fill the space nicely. The other thing I changed was to add some ground shading to the beer which I think makes it a stronger drawing.

These are my final postcard drawings and I will be putting the text above and below, which I didn't do on the stamps as it would be illegible and to add an extra bit of difference between the stamps and the postcards. I chose my favourite tv for these as I thought that the format suited having the text and I love the slight angle. I also think that the shading on the side and on the ground give it a bit more depth.

The final drawing for my poster, I chose to get rid of the static too as I thought it over complicated the image and made it too busy. I chose this tv as it was my second favourite and I thought the level of detail would look great when blown up to A2.

I wrote all the text out in dip pen to be joined with the drawings.

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