Thursday 11 February 2016


As I'd been working with pattern so much at Hallmark it made the most sense to me to make a pattern for Punch. I did punch like a fruit punch as I thought it would be most fun. I looked at punches on Pinterest and chose some fruit that would work well with the bright pink I had in mind. I also drew a ladle and a cup to show that the background colour is the punch. Unfortunately I forgot to continue the punch line in the ladle but I was able to fix it in photoshop.

With the final I decided to simplify the pattern and just use 3-4 colours so it wouldn't be too busy with the bright colours. I think that I managed to get it to fit together really well and the colours work well together, especially as the green provides a bit of contrast. The ladle and cup were particularly fun to colour as I got to play with the different levels of transparency until I got it to a point I was happy with.
This also shows some of the growth in coloured line and pattern making, both of these seem to work well for me even though they take longer than my usual drawing.

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