Wednesday 30 April 2014


These are my finals for studio brief two, I'm really not happy with them. I don't think I  learned illustrator well enough and as my time management was terrible I didn't have the time to teach myself enough to create something better. Next time I'll spend more time trying to learn how to use the program. I need to start grasping how long it takes to work digitally and even when I tried to keep it simple I still ran into issues at a point in the project when I didn't have time to fix properly. One of these was that I was going to overlap the characters over the skyline but as they were live traced they had a surrounding box that I couldn't work out how to remove. In the end I like the  high skyline, it makes it look further away, which works really well with Berlin and Venice. I wanted to do them in black and white and have the bold lines do the shading and colour variation but I think that I should have experimented with colour (both in analog and digital). By staying with black and white I hindered my progress and potential routes I could have taken this. I also think that without colour it can look unfinished or bland, in the next brief I'm going to use more colour. I would also put all possible crop marks on as I ended up cutting some of them down too far at too late of a point to do anything about it.

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