Wednesday 30 April 2014


This is the final GIF and poster for my group's project, In the end I am not happy with it at all. Though Becky saved the GIF by doing the zoom in on Zarah, The addition of humour helps to bring the quality of the GIF way up. One large problem with this was our groups lack of experience/knowledge of GIFs and how they work, This led to photos being taken at different angles, continuity errors and the idea of having each sticker with the person that was wearing the matching outfit lost. While I appreciate the humour in this, I still much prefer the idea of having the GIF displaying our favourite stickers in different locations. I believe this would have looked more professional and would have been much easier to organise. However I was unable to convince the stronger willed in my group of this, who believed it would be to dull and wouldn't get a decent mark. As I couldn't get my point across I took a bit of a step back and mostly just followed what the group wanted to do because of this I felt a little guilty that I may not have been doing enough and volunteered to wear the bandeau top (it's not the most pleasant thing to be wearing that top in public).  The other things I would do differently about this GIF would be to ensure we had a quality camera with a long battery life (or perhaps spares as the one we had ran out), I would have also liked to have been the to take the photos as while I tried to direct Becky I don't think I did a good job of conveying my ideas clearly and I would have tried to record the sequence and take the useful stills from that as I think it might have created a smoother look.

At the start of this project I was weary but the group had momentum and had agreed on a plan. At this time I felt that I was useful to the group as I came up with some of the ideas we went with and tried to steer the group away from the cruder ideas. However at that time there was only two other people to reach a consensus with, when more of the group arrived it became much harder to do. I felt that I had to fight to keep it simple, which I suppose I am more predisposed to want to do and perhaps I should have tried harder to see the other persons views. I didn't want to have our project become too difficult however as I knew it'd be difficult to organise everyone together. There were attempts to have discussions on facebook but the only real progress was made in person, the problem with this is that there never seemed to be more than three of us at a time. This is especially true as over the course of this brief three of the members of our group got ill and when the group wanted to take the project in a direction I wasn't happy with I became distant ( something I wouldn't do again as it left Becky with more than her fair share of work to do, I should have either fought stronger for my ideas or just accepted what the stronger voiced wanted and done what I could to help). Even as a rather distant part of the group I felt that I did more towards helping the group than some others, though my help was mostly in trying to direct people and suggesting ideas/plans. with a choice I would not work in a group again, I get too attached to where my ideas are going so that when another party aggressively disagrees I become stubborn and defensive. Although I suppose its good for me to not be able to do the idea I get attached to every now and again. If I were to work in a group it'd have to be with people of similar sensibilities, I think its highly important to be able to think the same way as your group.

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