Sunday 20 April 2014


When I first got my set of dip pens I drew a couple of pages to test it out. It took a while  to get  a good feel for it but I'm happy with the results. As it was just for my own entertainment I just freely sketched whatever came to mind, this allowed for me to create both some really interesting ones mixed in with some I'd class as failures or at least as ones that didn't go as I'd have liked. The other contributing factor to this was that for once I didn't sketch out anything in pencil first. Obviously this meant that any mistakes were permanent. However I did try to finish each drawing no matter how much it had gotten away from me. For a brief few I also experimented with putting watercolour on top, for the most part I did this too strongly but I think the fainter bits may be worth trying again. I should also try to digitally colour some dip pen work.

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