Monday 27 January 2014

Ink & watercolour tests

I printed off a couple of my pages to quickly experiment with in ink and watercolour. For some I also introduced further line detailing and some absolute black.

The one below is where I mainly experimented with the dip pen to add more detail. This really didn't work well on the hair in the second one as he looks either like its rainbow or he's in the Beatles, neither of which was the look I was intending. I will however be putting more line detail into the ground and background of all my drawings as it gives a sense of place and removes a lot of the empty space without making it too busy.

These were two very quick ones I did just testing it out with the dip and I think I may like them more than my finals. I think I need to work on removing some of the control from my final pieces but I need to work out how to be able to do that without completely messing up the composition and perspective 

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