Monday 27 April 2015


This is the first Threadless that I did and it was the longest to do as I put a lot more detail into this than I usually do. I don't have a lot of interest in aviation (which was the category I had to do) and I can't really do or enjoy technical drawings like you would do for a plane but flying pigs were mentioned in the suggestions and I really like them particularly since I heard John Steinbeck's motto Ad astra per alas porci (to the stars on the wings of a pig). Bu as it was in the suggestions and really overdone anyway I wanted to find a way of doing it with some originality. So I drew it as a wild boar piglet (one of the cutest things in the world) and the wings are based of a picture of a bee-eater. To create the pattern on the wing I looked at where the bee-eater has markings and then tried placing similar ones where they would work with the existing pig. To show the different markings on the pig I drew lots of little line details. From there I was able to do the surprisingly complicated colouring of all the markings. All of the colouring was quite difficult as I had to find the right colour to show the wild boar piglet, which if you look at the photo has around 60 different colours to create the over all effect. It was tricky to find that base colour as if you did it too dark it took all the cuteness away and too light just didn't make sense. After finding the correct colours for this (with much tinkering) I had to learn how to do it in a mock up for the submission requirements. It gave out a template and though it took me a while to figure out I think it looks really good on the t-shirt.

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