Thursday 30 April 2015


In The work I have produced I feel that this project has gone well. I have made work to a higher standard then I ever have before. I have also successfully collaborated with another illustrator. In the past when we were teamed up I hated it and wanted to never work someone else again. However from working with someone with a similar thought process to mine I found the experience enjoyable, though still in need of work. As Rowena and I do have such a similar thought process we were often late at the same time or had forgotten to do the same things, which meant that we often failed at the same aspects of our project rather than having someone else to pick up the slack. Though saying that when we would realise that we'd both forgotten we were very good at working together to fix the problem. I feel that my creative process has improved immensely from this project as the short time frames I had to work to allowed me to just focus on it and get it done. from this I think my work is a lot better. without a brief dragging on I still have the motivation for it, rather than having to try to be excited about something that has dragged on for months. I do feel however as I had so much other work to be doing that had more pressing deadlines I wold completely forget to do the work for this module. This meant that 90% or so of this module has been completed in two to three weeks. I feel that if it had been shorter and more pressing I could have just got it done rather than thinking about how I've got ages to complete it. This idea of a vast amount of time provides a comfort blanket of not having to work on yet, especially when you've got so much other work to be focusing on. I was also very ill and unable to do my work when I needed to most and while I definitely think that if I had done my work correctly and to the right scale it wouldn't have been as  devastating, I also think that I at least need more studio time to just be getting on with work. I find that if I spend the entire day in sessions and workshops I'm too tired to start getting on with my work at four and just want to go home. After saying a that though I really do feel that this project has been worth while and has improved my work to a degree that I am proud of these and feel that I now have some work I could put into a portfolio. As previous work has been more about the process rather than the end product I have been dramatically lacking in any work I would like to present to people.

I need to learn from this experience and focus more on my time management, I have known that it is my major issue for a long time but I will have to put more of a conscious effort into keeping track of everything I have to be doing and to make sure I've not unnecessarily given myself too much work in too short a time frame.

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