Thursday 23 April 2015

Final Drawings

These are the final drawings I did for Alice. I chose to do the giant Alice in the forrest reaching for the mushroom, for the front cover as I think it's more dynamic and as you can see around the drawing I have more ideas of how it should finally be presented, once coloured. I chose to draw it in dip pen as I feel that it often gives my work a more finished, smooth look. However with dip pen as soon as the line has been drawn theres not really anything you can do to fix it, the legs are a pro,e example of this as they get so incredibly thin a the end. I have just accepted this as the price of using dip pen and hopefully through further use I will be able to get better at avoiding such blatant mistakes. Though the small mistakes like the lines being too thick, or there being a line where there shouldn't be can be fixed in the photoshop stage. Over all I'm pretty happy with the interior page, its from a scene that always stuck with me (when Alice starts crying and the room fills with an ocean of tears). However the foot that's supposed to be pressed up against the wall/edge of the page (to make it more obvious that she's too big for the hallway) just doesn't look right. I should have thought about how hard I find feet to draw and taken (or found) a reference photo to make sure it looked right and I'll definitely be doing that next time I want to show a foot in more than just standing pose. I am really pleased with the hands though as I can find those tough as well.

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