Monday 27 April 2015


I tried to keep the colouring of our characters with the scheme of a sort of 60's rich pastel. To do this I have two short cuts I use and showed to Rowena. The first is to use unison pastels as a starting colour they have a wonderful quality to them and tend to be quite desaturated so they all go together very well. Sometimes I'll just use the direct colour but often I find myself playing with the hue/saturation to get it to fit in perfectly. The other one is a site called Coolor which will present you with an infinite amount of different colour palettes and allows you to enter in and lock in a starting colour to see what other colours would fit with that one. I also tried to show us wearing brighter, happier colours as time progressed to match the lightening and increasing optimism of the backgrounds. I showed my hair colour as the same as I don't dye my hair and don't think I will in the future but I made sure to try and find a new colour for Rowena's each time.

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