Thursday 23 April 2015


These are my initial sketches for Alice in wonderland. They mainly explore character and composition. I knew that I wanted to make Alice look less twee as if you actually read the book you'll know that she isn't twee at all and is actually very sensible. Drawing from this I decided to dress her more like a 1940-1960's girl with a shirt and skirt which then changed into more of a pinafore dress. I also played with her hair as I thought that nearly everything about Alice has been overdone and while I couldn't outright change her hair colour, the hair band or the colour of her dress I could completely change the style of her hair. I settled on the short straight bob as it is so different from her usual long, often wavy hair. I then worked on some sketches of scenes from the book varying how I draw certain parts. I was trying to capture the magic, fantastic feeling of the book and will look further into creating that with colour.

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