Monday 27 April 2015


These two posts show the development of the characters I drew, I was able to do more of me as it is easier to see who i'll be in ten years than it is to see someone else's. For the animated comic that Rowena is putting together we decided we'd do the gif part as a drawing for each year. This means I have to create 10 versions of the both of us with a year's change in between. I decided to show the different years by a few different things, Which were mainly clothes , hair and the adding of some lines around the eyes. You can see next to some of them there is which year should go with which hair/outfit but only next to my ones. This is because I was able to look into my wardrobe and see what I'm wearing now and what I would wear in ten years but I don't know Rowena's wardrobe so I've just had to make up what I think she wears now and what she might wear in the future.

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