Monday 27 April 2015


These are the final characters, for consistency I drew out the body shape and then traced it for each character as a base to start with. While this did help with consistency it also meant that the pose is a bit too similar between each year (the outline of the chest is always on the right etc.) and the heads are all a little too big but those are things that I'm fine with as it took soloing to do all of these. To show ageing on both of us I started placing little lines under the eyes that with each year or two would get a little more distinct and in the last couple they had two lines. I also started to plump us up a little bit at around the 5th year. Individually I aged us a little differently based on our individual personalities. For me I should different hair styles and lengths of hair and how I would start wearing longer dresses etc. and a general neatening of my appearance. For Rowena she has different hair lengths while staying relatively short as she told me that she doesn't like it long, though I thought she may be more likely to want longer hair when she's older so past 25 the majority has slightly longer hair. For her outfits I tried to show her in outfits that I've mainly seen her in already (you don't change your style drastically), then I started showing her in more skirts and dresses. While I did this I tried to find styles that I thought she would move into, a bit more feminine but still baggy and comfortable etc. I tried to show her as a little uncomfortable in a skirt when you see it for the first time and she wears shorts underneath to further point this out (as well as being what she does now when she wears a skirt). The other thing I tried to include was to nearly always have something big on her wrist as she told me that she feels that she has large hands and likes to detract from that by wearing something large on her wrist. as the time progressed I started showing it as a clunky watch and then as a future device. In the last frame I drew use with some of the future biotech to tie in with the background a little better. It would have been good if I started integrating these earlier though and if i did this again I would.

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