Thursday 5 May 2016

Art School reference

I got so excited when I was finally able to come up with a marine based concept for this song! It took a really long time, as this is the one out of the 7 that didn't fit into the theme I had been working on. It was really hard to think of something marine based that would also match both the high energy and the rebel nature of the song. I had started off thinking about fast or aggressive fish but it didn't really suit the almost tongue in cheek, I DO WHAT I WANT! nature of the song. I had been googling all the fish I could think of before returning to my base research of the Blue Planet and Life (the BBC documentary's). I saw the humphead parrot fish and I knew straight away that this was the one I was looking for. They don't really move with the energy of the song but THEY EAT ROCKS! they really do what ever they want and don't care. I think this is the core of the song and I also loved the way the song also touches on people thinking you look funny and what the media says. This really works with these fish as they really do look funny with their gap tooth beaks and hump heads. The media as well tends to talk about the way they are destroying natural habitats with, which I find funny to think that the fish would be like "you don't need to listen to the media". I had never drawn these before and I really wanted to try and get the idea of them as a gang and of them eating rocks so I tried making a composite image for the first time. It worked really well and I was able to draw this easily. I think I'll use this method again if it's something complicated like this.

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