Monday 9 May 2016

Glow in the dark Modge Podge and Shrinky Drinks

These are terrible photos but I bought some glow in the dark modge podge and shrinky dinks to play with. I painted it onto some quick sketches of the new jellyfish and I found out that it only really works on the white and either way you have to really layer it up. 

I do like it when it glows though! I think I might need more practice with it to get a good consistency that will glow without looking bad when it's in the light.

The three anglerfish at the bottom  are my experimentations in shrinky dink, which is extremely fun and I think I could make some great glow in the dark badges when I've got it down. At the moment its way too messy, I need to try printing onto the shrinky dink paper as if I draw an lines in pencil you get those horrible grey smudge that you can see on the orange angler. The promarkers also make large marks that I wouldn't like in a finished badge.  Though this could also be a matter of practice.

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