Thursday 5 May 2016


I was a bit lost with this song as I couldn't think of an obvious theme for the song, I kept floating between different creatures that I wanted to draw rather than ones that'd suit the song. When I came back to all of these after PPP I really listened to the lyrics of the songs and found that the song was about being left behind without a care. So I went with  the flying fish that I'd been playing with. I had drawn these before so this wasn't too hard but my main focus was on the the trail they leave behind as this is how I'm going to suggest that the main fish was left behind by another.

This is my composition put together, I'm a bit worried about the trails as I think the perspective is a little off but hopefully it'll just show more about how it's further away from  the main fish.

I think I achieved what I was looking for but looking at it again I think it'd be better to have a horizon line but it might also have made them look a little strange as it'd probably make the fish look weirdly sized and mess with the overall perspective further. I made the surface of the water by repeating the lines I'd drawn but it looked pretty flat so I did something I've been doing a lot lately, which is to add different shades to break it up a little. This works especially on the waves as they are constantly rolling and breaking, so they are always shifting colours  

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